Criminal charges can have a substantial impact on family law proceedings in Pennsylvania, especially when child custody matters are being decided. Family court judges work to serve the best interests of the children who are involved in cases before them. They also work to arrive at solutions that are practical and livable for the involved parties.
This often means that family court judges will work to understand the character of the parties that appear before them. A criminal record will be among the factors a judge considers as he or she makes decisions that will affect your relationship with your children via child custody and visitation, divorce or other family law matters.
Securing an expungement will clear your criminal record to put you in the best possible position as you pursue resolution of your family law matter.
At The Law Offices of John Della Rocca in Philadelphia, Attorney John Della Rocca cares about helping people resolve their family law matters from a position that is most advantageous to them. Expunging a criminal conviction or arrest from your record can be an important step in making sure you are doing everything you can to ensure the appropriate outcome to whatever family law situation you are facing. John has been helping people secure the advantage of expungement and pardons since 1998. He has the experience and the skill to truly help you.
Contact John Della Rocca in Philadelphia Today
Clearing your conviction or arrest record is key to ensuring that the impact on any family law proceeding is minimized. Let Pennsylvania Attorney John Della Rocca help you pursue the official pardon you need for a brighter future.